Final project Instruction Slides
Previous Projects (with slides)
Only Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 were in-person in the last few years. The List of Projects links below contain projects done by various teams and the slides that they presented.
- List of Projects (Fall 2021)
- List of Projects (Spring 2022)
- List of Projects (Summer 2022)
What is your own motion project?
You have worked so hard for the first few weeks of 4AL. You have mastered three key ingredients, step by step.
- How to design your own experiment from scratch based on modern technology -- Arduino.
- How to analyze data using modern programming language -- Python.
- How to apply fundamental physics laws such as Newton's law, and predict motion as a function of time.
- Projectile motion based projects
- Conservation of momentum/energy
- Oscillation based projects
- Biomechanics/Human body motion projects
- Friction
- Rotation based projects
Examples of Possible Projects
- Projectile motion based projects
- Conservation of momentum/energy
- Oscillation based projects
- Human Body motion projects
- Friction
- Identify friction coefficient for unknown surfaces. (Slides)
- Rotation based projects
Oral Presentations
You are going to make an oral presentation on Week 6.
Please post your google Slides by the midnight before your presentation day below, under the appropriate lab session.
Please post your google Slides by the midnight before your presentation day below, under the appropriate lab session.
- Please refer some of the slides in the "Examples of possible projects" or "Previous Projects" to plan how your presentation should be organized.
- Each group will have around 10 slides that should contain the following information
- Title/Authors (with majors and pictures)
- Introduction: Motivation/Hypothesis
- Methods that includes
- Experimental setup with pictures
- Data taking protocols
- Data analysis
- Discussion and Conclusions
- Evaluation of significance
- Conclusions
- Future prospects
- Acknowledgements
- References
- The entire presentation should be 10-15 minutes long.
- Your presentation will be followed by a 5 minute Q&A session.
- The file name of your Google slide should be like
- Group#_ShortTitle.gslide
- For example: Group3_Momentum_Conservation.glide.
Presentation Evaluation
- Each student will be evaluating the presentations from other groups. Download and complete the slides below and submit on Gradescope by Friday of Week 6.
- Presentation Evaluation (individual assignment)
- Check Gradescope for deadline.
Final Report
The due day of final report (which is a group report) can be seen on Gradescope.
- You are welcome to share the data and analysis with your group members.
- There will be another document each person must submit individually telling your TA what each person did to ensure that every member of the group contributed properly.
- Use an Appendix section to describe your contributions by each team member.
- [OPTIONAL - no extra points] To make your report look more professional, here is a link to a template. This template is written in LaTeX, which is the documentation method used in professional physics review letters. It may be recommended by your TA to write your report in LaTeX, otherwise write it in MS Word or Google Docs (or equivalent), single-space is OK.
- LaTeX Template
- Convert it to PDF file, and upload to Gradescope.
- We want to ensure that all group members participated within the project. Complete the following evaluation of your group individually.
- Final report team Participation (individual assignment)
- Convert it to PDF file, and upload to Gradescope.