Writing a Report
Report writing is the main graded portion of 4BL. A detailed rubric of how reports are graded is given below. For more specific questions please contact your TA. Additionally, an example report from a previous quarter is linked here for your reference. While this is a outstanding report, there are still some small issues with it, so refer to the rubric when writing your report.
If you would like to go the extra step to make your report look more professional, here is a link to a template that resembles a journal article. This template is written in LaTeX, which is the documentation method used in professional physics review letters. There is also a Google Doc template. Both are acceptable (MS Word or equivalent is ok too). Reports can be single-spaced.
Lastly, after each group report, you can evaluate how your team members are distributing the workgroup of each unit and report writing.
If you would like to go the extra step to make your report look more professional, here is a link to a template that resembles a journal article. This template is written in LaTeX, which is the documentation method used in professional physics review letters. There is also a Google Doc template. Both are acceptable (MS Word or equivalent is ok too). Reports can be single-spaced.
Lastly, after each group report, you can evaluate how your team members are distributing the workgroup of each unit and report writing.