Google Drive
Student Directories
In this class, we will be using a class-wide Google Drive in order to share work and store data. Each team will create a folder with their table number in their respective lab session. Use the Google account that you primarily use to create a directory titled "Firstname Lastname" (example: Joe Bruin) in this folder. If you do not have your own Google account, one has been provided to you by UCLA, which you can access by logging into Google with your UCLA username and "". You will be directed to a UCLA login page.
All data and code must be stored in your directory. Data can be shared among group members here. Do not edit or reorganize any other directories other than your own.
For class on 1/15 and 1/16, the data and juypter notebook will be located on this google drive.
Google Drive Link
All data and code must be stored in your directory. Data can be shared among group members here. Do not edit or reorganize any other directories other than your own.
For class on 1/15 and 1/16, the data and juypter notebook will be located on this google drive.
Google Drive Link