Introduction to Python and Arduino
The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the basics of creating circuits with an Arduino micro-controller, physical measurement, and Python programming.
- Lab 1A - Introduction
- Lab 1B - Python training/Multimeter and Arduino training - Flashing LED
- Lab 1C - Ohm's Law - Measuring with Multimeter and Arduino
- Lab 1D - Deviation of Ohm's Law - VI curve of LED
- Lab 1E - Reaction Time for LED and Buzzer
- Lab 1F - Reaction Time for RGB LED, Report Writing
Lab 1A - Introduction
Pre-Lab 1A - Arduino Check
In this class, we will be creating circuits using an Arduino. Before the first class, please purchase an Arduino and perform the Pre-course Setup.
Lab Instructions 1A - Introduction
In this pre-lab we will be doing basic checks to see if the Arduino is compatible with your computer. There will be no portion turned in, though you will be unable to complete the in-class lab if not completed. If you cannot follow the steps, or run into some issue running the code, contact your TA immediately. Download the Hello World Arduino code and follow the pre-lab instructions
Lab 1B - Arduino and Multimeter
Lab Instructions 1B - Multimeter and Arduino Training - Flashing LEDs
Arduino portion
- Reference Slides
- Lab instructions
- Assignment slides
- Videos on Multimeter and uploading code to Arduino on CCLE
Lab 1C - Ohm's Law
Prelab 1C
- Prelab: watch the following videos
- Array Video
- Plotting Video
- No submission required but we will be using this in class
Lab Instructions 1C - Making measurements using the multimeter and the Arduino
Lab 1D - Deviation of Ohm's Law - VI Curve of LED
Pre-Lab 1D
- Prelab (Due before Lab 1D)
- Mock data
- IV Curve Video if the video does not work here try CCLE
Lab Instructions 1D - Measure VI curves of LED's using Arduino
- Reference Slides
- Lab Instructions
- Assignment 1D (Due Sunday 11:59 pm)
Lab 1E/1F- Reaction Time and Report Writing (Week 3)
For Week 3, we are going to have a single slide document that includes the prelabs, the in-class assignments, and the after class assignments. When submitting a prelab or an assignment, only upload a slide or two, not the entire slideshow. You will use the Arduino to develop a simple circuit to measure how fast it takes someone to react to an LED turning on. You will apply some fundamental statistical analysis to your data. In the second lab this week, you will work with your group on a small project that will allow you to practice how you run an experiment in science.
- Slides
- Please complete the pre-lab assignment by your Mon/Tue lab.